Thank you for considering serving on the IMFOA Board. Please fill out the application below.

IMFOA Board Application

Please use only city held positions in the job titles. List all that apply.
Please provide two references.
I agree(Required)
We are excited that you are considering becoming a member on the Iowa Municipal Finance Officers Association Board of Directors! Below are a few things to consider while you are thinking about the commitment. We need to know that you have read and understand this commitment before considering your appointment. Board members have a vital roll in making our conferences work, it’s important that you understand this up front.

You must be a benefitted or active Municipal Clerk, Treasurer, Finance Officer, or City Administrator to serve as a Director on the IMFOA Board. The Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice-President, five (5) Directors, and the immediate past President of the Association. The President and Vice President each serve a term of one (1) year. The Directors each serve three (3) year staggered terms. Ex-officio members to the Board of Directors include the Secretary and the two (2) next most immediate past Presidents of the Association. Each newly appointed Board member should understand that they may be expected to serve as Vice President and then President.

All Board members are expected to attend the Spring and Fall Conferences. As a Board Member your registration fee for the conferences are comped, however the hotel expense is not a covered expense for the conferences.

In addition to the Spring and Fall Conferences, Board meetings are typically held in June, August, November, and January. Members may optionally meet the Friday night before the Saturday Board meeting for dinner and socializing at the expense of the Board. Family is welcome to join the Board for the Friday night social, at their own expense. Breakfast or Lunch is served in the President’s suite during the Board meeting. The Board will pay room & meal expenses for all Board meetings for the Board member; however, does not reimburse for mileage or travel expenses. Most meetings are held at the Airport Holiday Inn with the August meeting being held in the President’s City if he/she desires.

The Constitution and By-Laws for the Iowa Municipal Finance Officers Association can be found by visiting

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the above requirements and expectations to serve as a Board of Director for IMFOA. If I am appointed to serve as a Director, I will, to the best of my ability, agree to fulfill my term on the Board.